After a year of waiting CeBIT 2005 has finally arrived. One of the biggest technology shows in the world held annually in Hanover Germany. Last years show had plenty of new and exciting products on display. Many of which are now beginning to appear in the retail outlets. So how does this years show compare to last years? To find out on your behalf we sent the bit-tech bad boys over on a fact finding mission...
One of the first things we noted, and this opinion was echoed by almost everyone we spoke to, was that there was very little in the way of new technology with most things on display being the same or tweaked versions of last years offerings. As an example, last year saw the mass introduction of the tiny, shiny but cute "take anywhere" mini MP3 players. They were there again this year with the only difference being that even more manufacturers were rebadging them.
Of course we did find some new or cool stuff to show you, and show you we will...
Being a modding site we had to check out the new cases on offer and to be honest we were somewhat disappointed with what we saw. Most were rehashed "run of the mill" stock but several manufacturers did have interesting cases to show:

One such example is the wood encased computer kit from SwedX. It is not exactly new but it is unusual and very beautiful being made from natural wood.

At the other extreme we have the garish, brightly coloured plastic and steel fodder.

Then there is the slightly less garish...

These cases have pull down covers over the drive bays. The term flimsy hardly does justice to the instant destructibility of these covers.
OK let's have a look at some cases that fall between these two extremes...
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